
Flowers and the Word

Handcrafted with real pressed flowers and scripture verses, these bookmarks make treasured keepsakes, adding truth and beauty to our daily lives. Use them for church outreach and special occasions or simply to grace your own Bible.


New Creature Bookmark



Gold and blues make a luxurious combination on this handcrafted bookmark. This special bookmark was created with delicate real pressed flowers and features the verse II Corinthians 5:17:

"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature…" II Corinthians 5:17

Through the years, flowers have been known for their meaning, in addition to their beauty. The flowers on this bookmark have the following meanings:

New Creature Bookmark Image
Price: $3.95

Pray Without Ceasing Bookmark



Pretty pink real pressed larkspurs and sunroses make this a joyful surprise to open a book to. The bookmark includes a sweet reminder from 1 Thessalonians 5:17:

"Pray without ceasing". 1 Thessalonians 5:8

In addition to their beauty, flowers have special meanings. The meanings behind the flowers on this bookmark are:

Pray Without Ceasing Bookmark Photo
Price: $3.95

Saved by Grace Bookmark



A beautiful frenzy of real pressed larkspurs and geraniums were designed to grace this bookmark. Heading the bookmark is a purple background with Ephesians 2:8:

"For by grace are you saved through faith". Ephesians 2:8

The meanings behind flowers are equally as beautiful as the flowers themselves. The flowers on this bookmark have the following meanings:

Saved by Grace Bookmark Photo
Price: $3.95

Beautiful in His Time Bookmark



This bookmark was careful designed to inspire by featuring the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:11

"He has made everything beautiful in His time..." Ecclesiates 3:11 

Made with real pressed larkspurs, bachelor button and fern, this gentle bookmark is perfect for any occasion. The art of flowers goes beyond their beauty and into the meaning and feelings that they inspire. The delicate flowers in this bookmark have the following meanings:

Beautiful in His Time Bookmark Image
Price: $3.95

A Joyful Heart Bookmark



This real pressed flower bookmark was handcrafted by our talented artists. A light pink and white background makes our pink larkspurs and heliotropes look as beautiful as the day they were picked.

This bookmark is decorated with a quote from Proverbs 17:22:

"A joyful heart is good medicine" Proverbs 17:22.

A Joyful Heart Bookmark Photo
Price: $3.95

All Things Created Bookmark



Artists carefully designed this real pressed flowers bookmark with purple accents, giving it a delicate charm. It features the scripture Colossians 1:16:

"For by Him were all things created".. Colossians 1:16.

With their symbolic meanings, flowers have been one of the best gifts for years. The meanings of the flowers and plants on this bookmark are:

All Things Created Bookmark Image
Price: $3.95

Think on These Things Bookmark



Since ancient times, no gift has been more well received than flowers with their symbolic meanings. It was the Victorians who best expressed themselves with bouquets rather than words. Codifying traditional flowers, grasses and herbs, they created an elegant Language of Flowers

On this bookmark you can see:

Fern for fascination
Larkspur for lightness, levity
Forget-Me-Not for true love

This bookmark has the scripture:

Think on These Things Bookmark Image
Price: $3.95

Affection on Heavenly Things Bookmark



Since ancient times, no gift has been more well received than flowers with their symbolic meanings. It was the Victorians who best expressed themselves with bouquets rather than words. Codifying traditional flowers, grasses and herbs, they created an elegant Language of Flowers

On this bookmark you can see:

Forget-Me-Not for true love
Larkspur for lightness, levity
Zinnia for thoughts of you

This bookmark features the scripture:

Affection on Heavenly Things Bookmark Photo
Price: $3.95

Lord is my Strength Bookmark



Since ancient times, no gift has been more well received than flowers with their symbolic meanings. It was the Victorians who best expressed themselves with bouquets rather than words. Codifying traditional flowers, grasses and herbs, they created an elegant Language of Flowers

On this bookmark you can see:

Heliotrope for devotion
Larkspur for lightness, levity
Goldenrod for encouragement

This bookmark shares the scripture:

Lord is my Strength Bookmark Photo
Price: $3.95

Word of God Lasts Bookmark



Since ancient times, no gift has been more well received than flowers with their symbolic meanings. It was the Victorians who best expressed themselves with bouquets rather than words. Codifying traditional flowers, grasses and herbs, they created an elegant Language of Flowers

On this bookmark you can see:

Heliotrope for devotion
Larkspur for lightness, levity
Viola/Pansy for thoughts

This bookmark features the scripture:

Word of God Lasts Bookmark Image
Price: $3.95


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